100% satisfaction

We believe in the satisfaction of our valued customers.

70% retention

We are proud of our retention rates.

always Up-to-date

We intend to be updated with the market trends and needs.

Our Products

Disposable Vapes

We have a wide variety of disposable vapes

Tobacco Water Pipes

We have straight, honeycomb, ash catcher, ice catcher and recyclers.


We can help you come clean with your healthy choices.

Why Choose Us?

We are the best price shop in Grand Prairie and by distance. We have a wide selection of disposable vapes and Delta products.


I went there earlier today and Ace was an awesome salesman and very friendly. Walked me thru the different strains available and which ones were the best sellers. Very friendly atmosphere
This smoke shop is quite possibly the best without an absolute doubt. They look out for you even when you’re balling on a budget. They treat you as family even if it’s your first time within the shop itself. Truly the most friendly smoke shop out there and I genuinely mean that.
Great customer service, Great varieties on vapes, and GREAT DEALS. I appreciate it!! Will revisit soon!!

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